RF calibrations like virtual probe, RF actuator offset/imbalance, forward and reflected, and power calibrations.
Calibrate the cavity forward signal: |
Calibrate the DAC offset to remove carrier leakage for direct upconversion. |
Calibrate the I/Q modulator imbalance, return |
Calibrate the cavity forward and reflected signals for a normal conducting cavity with constant loaded Q and detuning: |
Calibrate the cavity forward and reflected signals for a superconducting cavity with time-varying loaded Q or detuning: |
Calibrate the system gain and sytem phase. |
Calibrate the virtual probe signal of the cavity with |
Calibrate the vector sum (poor man's solution by rotating and scaling all other channels refering to the first channel). |
Standing-wave cavity energy gain estimate from RF drive power without beam loading. |
Traveling-wave constant gradient structure energy gain estimate from RF drive power without beam loading. |
Convert the calibrated forward and reflected signals (in physical unit, V) to forward and reflected power (in W). |
Calibrate the beam phase using the beam energy measured by scanning RF phase. |
- calib_cav_for(vc, vf_m, pul_ids, pul_ide, half_bw, detuning, Ts, beta=10000.0)[source]#
Calibrate the cavity forward signal:
vf = a * vf_m
. The resultingvf
is the cavity drive signal at the same reference plane as the cavity probevc
.Refer to LLRF Book section
- Parameters:
vc – numpy array (complex), cavity probe waveform (reference plane)
vf_m – numpy array (complex), cavity forward waveform (meas.)
pul_ids – int, starting index for calculation (calculation window should cover the entire pulse for NC cavities; use the part close to pulse end for SC cavities)
pul_ide – int, ending index for calculation
half_bw – float, half bandwidth of the cavity, rad/s
detuning – float, detuning of the cavity, rad/s
Ts – float, sampling time, s
beta – float, input coupling factor (needed for NC cavities; for SC cavities, can use the default value, or you can specify it if more accurate calibration is needed)
- Returns:
status – boolean, success (True) or fail (False)
a – float (complex), calibrate coefficient
The waveforms should have been aligned in time, i.e., the relative delays between them should have been removed.
- calib_dac_offs(vdac, viqm, sig_ids, sig_ide, leak_ids, leak_ide, delay=0)[source]#
Calibrate the DAC offset to remove carrier leakage for direct upconversion.
Refer to LLRF Book section 9.2.2.
- Parameters:
vdac – numpy array (complex), DAC output waveform
viqm – numpy array (complex), I/Q modulator output meas. waveform
sig_ids – int, starting index of signals
sig_ide – int, ending index of signals
leak_ids – int, starting index of leakage
leak_ide – int, ending index of leakage
delay – int, delay in number of points between I/Q out and DAC WFs, it is needed to be set reflecting the actual delay for better results
- Returns:
status – boolean, success (True) or fail (False)
offset_I – float, I offset to be added to the actual DAC output
offset_Q – float, Q offset to be added to the actual DAC output
- calib_iqmod(vdac, viqm)[source]#
Calibrate the I/Q modulator imbalance, return
with[real(viqm) imag(viqm)]' = M * [real(vdac) imag(vdac)]' + [iqm_offs_I iqm_offs_Q]'
This method is OK to calibrate the imbalance matrix M (use its inverse to pre-distort the DAC output) but the offset is not accurate to determine the DAC offset calibration. It is suggested to calibrate the DAC offset first using the routinecalib_dac_offs
before executing this function.Refer to paper “Geng Z, Hong B (2016) Design and calibration of an RF actuator for low-level RF systems. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci 63(1):281-287”.
- Parameters:
vdac – numpy array (complex), DAC actuation points
viqm – numpy array (complex), I/Q modulator meas. points
- Returns:
status – boolean, success (True) or fail (False)
invM – numpy matrix, inversion of M, can be directly used to correct the I/Q modulator imbalance
viqm_s – numpy array (complex), scaled I/Q modulator output
viqm_c – numpy array (complex), re-constructed I/Q mod. output
- calib_ncav_for_ref(vc, vf_m, vr_m, pul_ids, pul_ide, half_bw, detuning, Ts, beta=1.0)[source]#
Calibrate the cavity forward and reflected signals for a normal conducting cavity with constant loaded Q and detuning:
vf = a * vf_m + b * vr_m, vr = c * vf_m + d * vr_m
The resultingvf
are the cavity drive/reflected signals at the same reference plane as the cavity probevc
.Refer to LLRF Book section 9.3.5.
- Parameters:
vc – numpy array (complex), cavity probe waveform (reference plane)
vf_m – numpy array (complex), cavity forward waveform (meas.)
vr_m – numpy array (complex), cavity reflected waveform (meas.)
pul_ids – int, starting index for calculation (calculation window should cover entire pulse)
pul_ide – int, ending index for calculation
half_bw – float, half bandwidth of the cavity, rad/s
detuning – float, detuning of the cavity, rad/s
Ts – float, sampling time, s
beta – float, input coupling factor (needed for NC cavities)
- Returns:
status – boolean, success (True) or fail (False)
a,b,c,d – float (complex), calibrate coefficients
The waveforms should have been aligned in time, i.e., the relative delays between them should have been removed.
- calib_scav_for_ref(vc, vf_m, vr_m, pul_ids, pul_ide, decay_ids, decay_ide, half_bw, detuning, Ts, beta=10000.0)[source]#
Calibrate the cavity forward and reflected signals for a superconducting cavity with time-varying loaded Q or detuning:
vf = a * vf_m + b * vr_m, vr = c * vf_m + d * vr_m
The resultingvf
are the cavity drive/reflected signals at the same reference plane as the cavity probevc
.Refer to LLRF Book section 9.3.5.
- Parameters:
vc – numpy array (complex), cavity probe waveform (reference plane)
vf_m – numpy array (complex), cavity forward waveform (meas.)
vr_m – numpy array (complex), cavity reflected waveform (meas.)
pul_ids – int, starting index for calculation (calculation window should take the pulse end part close to decay)
pul_ide – int, ending index for calculation
decay_ids – int, starting id of calculation window at decay stage
decay_ide – int, ending id of calculation window at decay stage
half_bw – float, half bandwidth of the cavity (derived from early part of decay), rad/s
detuning – float, detuning of the cavity (derived from early part of decay), rad/s
Ts – float, sampling time, s
beta – float, input coupling factor (for SC cavities, can use the default value, or you can specify it if more accurate calibration is needed)
- Returns:
status – boolean, success (True) or fail (False)
a,b,c,d – float (complex), calibrate coefficients
The waveforms should have been aligned in time, i.e., the relative delays between them should have been removed.
- calib_sys_gain_pha(vact, vf, beta=10000.0)[source]#
Calibrate the system gain and sytem phase.
Refer to LLRF Book section 9.4.2.
- Parameters:
vact – numpy array (complex), RF actuation waveform (usually DAC output)
vf – numpy array (complex), cavity forward signal (calibrated to the reference plane of the cavity voltage or vector-sum voltage)
beta – float, input coupling factor (needed for NC cavities; for SC cavities, can use the default value, or you can specify it if more accurate result is needed)
- Returns:
status – boolean, success (True) or fail (False)
sys_gain – numpy array, waveform of system gain
sys_phase – numpy array, waveform of system phase, deg
- calib_vprobe(vc, vf_m, vr_m)[source]#
Calibrate the virtual probe signal of the cavity with
vc = m * vf_m + n * vr_m
aiming at reconstructing the probe signal with the forward and reflected signals. This is useful when the probe is temperally not available.- Parameters:
vc – numpy array (complex), cavity probe waveform (as reference plane)
vf_m – numpy array (complex), cavity forward waveform (meas.)
vr_m – numpy array (complex), cavity reflected waveform (meas.)
- Returns:
status – boolean, success (True) or fail (False)
m, n – float (complex), calibration coefficients
The waveforms should have been aligned in time, i.e., the relative delays between them should have been removed.
- calib_vsum_poor(amp_vec, pha_vec, ref_ch=0)[source]#
Calibrate the vector sum (poor man’s solution by rotating and scaling all other channels refering to the first channel).
- Parameters:
amp_vec – numpy array, amplitude of all channels
pha_vec – numpy array, phase of all channels, deg
ref_ch – int, reference channel, between 0 and (num of channels - 1)
- Returns:
status – boolean, success (True) or fail (False)
scale – numpy array, scale factor for all channels
phase – numpy array, phase offset adding to all channels, deg
- egain_cav_power(pfor, roQ_or_RoQ, QL, beta=10000.0, machine='linac')[source]#
Standing-wave cavity energy gain estimate from RF drive power without beam loading.
Refer to LLRF Book section, equation (9.13).
- Parameters:
pfor – float, cavity drive power, W
roQ_or_RoQ – float, cavity r/Q of Linac or R/Q of circular accelerator, Ohm (see the note below)
QL – float, loaded quality factor of the cavity
beta – float, input coupling factor (needed for NC cavities; for SC cavities, can use the default value, or you can specify it if more accurate result is needed)
machine – string,
, used to select r/Q or R/Q
- Returns:
status – boolean, success (True) or fail (False)
vc0 – float, desired cavity voltage for the given drive power
Linacs define the
r/Q = Vacc**2 / (w0 * U)
while circular machines defineR/Q = Vacc**2 / (2 * w0 * U)
, whereVacc
is the accelerating voltage,w0
is the angular cavity resonance frequency andU
is the cavity energy storage. Therefore, to use this function, one needs to specify themachine
to belinac
. Generally, we haveR/Q = 1/2 * r/Q
- egain_cgstr_power(pfor, f0, rs, L, Q, Tf)[source]#
Traveling-wave constant gradient structure energy gain estimate from RF drive power without beam loading.
Refer to LLRF Book section, equation (9.14).
- Parameters:
pfor – float, structure input RF power, W
f0 – float, RF operating frequency, Hz
rs – float, shunt impedance per unit length, Ohm/m
L – float, length of the traveling-wave structure, m
Q – float, quality factor of the TW strcuture
Tf – float, filling time of the TW structure, s
- Returns:
status – boolean, success (True) or fail (False)
vc0 – float, desired accelerating voltage for the given drive power
- for_ref_volt2power(roQ_or_RoQ, QL, vf_pcal=None, vr_pcal=None, beta=10000.0, machine='linac')[source]#
Convert the calibrated forward and reflected signals (in physical unit, V) to forward and reflected power (in W).
Refer to LLRF Book section 3.3.9.
- Parameters:
roQ_or_RoQ – float, cavity r/Q of Linac or R/Q of circular accelerator, Ohm (see the note below)
QL – float, loaded quality factor of the cavity
vf_pcal – numpy array (complex), forward waveform (calibrated to physical unit)
vf_pcal – numpy array (complex), reflected waveform (calibrated to physical unit)
beta – float, input coupling factor (needed for NC cavities; for SC cavities, can use the default value, or you can specify it if more accurate result is needed)
machine – string, ‘linac’ or ‘circular’, used to select r/Q or R/Q
- Returns:
status – boolean, success (True) or fail (False)
for_power – numpy array, waveform of forward power (if input is not None), W
ref_power – numpy array, waveform of reflected power (if input is not None), W
C – float (complex), calibration coefficient: power_W = C * Volt_V^2
Linacs define the
r/Q = Vacc**2 / (w0 * U)
while circular machines defineR/Q = Vacc**2 / (2 * w0 * U)
, whereVacc
is the accelerating voltage,w0
is the angular cavity resonance frequency andU
is the cavity energy storage. Therefore, to use this function, one needs to specify themachine
to belinac
. Generally, we haveR/Q = 1/2 * r/Q
- phasing_energy(phi_vec, E_vec, machine='linac')[source]#
Calibrate the beam phase using the beam energy measured by scanning RF phase.
Refer to LLRF Book section
- Parameters:
phi_vec – numpy array, phase measurement, degree
E_vec – numpy array, beam energy measurement
machine – string, ‘linac’ or ‘circular’, see the note below
- Returns:
status – boolean, success (True) or fail (False)
Egain – float, maximum energy gain of the RF station
phi_off – float, phase offset that should be added to the phase meas, deg
Circular accelerator use sine as convention of beam phase definition, resulting in 90 degree for on-crest acceleration; while for Linacs, the consine convention is used with 0 degree for on-crest acceleration.