Source code for rf_sysid

"""Identify the RF system transfer function and characteristic parameters."""
#  Copyright (c) 2023 by Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland
#  All rights reserved.
#  Authors: Zheqiao Geng
Here collects routines for RF system identification
    - prbs               : produce the PRBS signal for system identification
    - etfe               : Empirical Transfer Function Estimation (ETFE)
    - half_bw_decay      : calculate the cavity half-bandwidth from the RF pulse decay stage
    - detuning_decay     : calculate the cavity detuning from the RF pulse decay stage
    - cav_drv_est        : estimate the required cavity drive and reflected signals from probe signal
    - cav_par_pulse      : calculate the cavity parameters (half-bandwidth and detuning) within the pulse
                           by directly solving the cavity equation
    - cav_par_pulse_obs  : calculate the cavity parameters (half-bandwidth and detuning) within the pulse
                           using the ADRC observer
    - cav_beam_pulse_obs : calculate the beam drive voltage within the pulse using the ADRC observer
    - cav_observer       : construct the ADRC observer and estimate the denoised cavity voltage and the
                           general disturbances
    - iden_impulse       : identify the impulse response of a real/complex SISO system from data
    - beta_powers        : identify the cavity input coupling factor using steady-state forw/refl powers

To be implemented:
    - Identify the cavity input coupling factor
    - Neural network based system identification for RF system: klystron gain curve,
      klystron output pulse, dynamical modeling
    - Frequeny scanning-based sys ID (generate drive signal of superposition of many frequencies - 
      possibly random frequencies and random phases)
    - identify transfer matrix (least-square, cvx)
    - produce SSB signal waveform (with offset frequency, and with correct number of points for 
      continuous phase if repeated)

Some algorithms are referred to the following books:
S. Simrock and Z. Geng, Low-Level Radio Frequency Systems, Springer, 2022 ("LLRF Book")
import numpy as np
from scipy import signal

from rf_misc import *

[docs] def prbs(n, lower_b = -1.0, upper_b = 1.0): ''' Generate prbs signal (PRBS monic polynomials) * ``PRBS3 = x^3 + x^2 + 1`` * ``PRBS4 = x^4 + x^3 + 1`` * ``PRBS5 = x^5 + x^3 + 1`` * ``PRBS6 = x^6 + x^5 + 1`` * ``PRBS7 = x^7 + x^6 + 1`` * ``PRBS8 = x^8 + x^6 + x^5 + x^4 + 1`` * ``PRBS9 = x^9 + x^5 + 1`` * ``PRBS10 = x^10 + x^7 + 1`` * ``PRBS11 = x^11 + x^9 + 1`` * ``PRBS12 = x^12 + x^11 + x^10 + x^4 + 1`` * ``PRBS13 = x^13 + x^12 + x^11 + x^8 + 1`` * ``PRBS14 = x^14 + x^13 + x^12 + x^2 + 1`` * ``PRBS15 = x^15 + x^14 + 1`` * ``PRBS16 = x^16 + x^14 + x^13 + x^11 + 1`` * ``PRBS17 = x^17 + x^14 + 1`` * ``PRBS18 = x^18 + x^11 + 1`` * ``PRBS19 = x^19 + x^18 + x^17 + x^14 + 1`` * ``PRBS20 = x^20 + x^3 + 1`` * ``PRBS23 = x^23 + x^18 + 1`` * ``PRBS31 = x^31 + x^28 + 1`` Parameters: n: int, number of point lower_b: float, lower boundary upper_b: float, upper boundary Returns: status: good or not data: numpy array, 1-D array of PRBS signal Note: The prototype is found here ''' # check the input if n <= 0 or lower_b >= upper_b: return False, None # get the number of bit for the PRBS q = np.log2(n + 1) nbit = np.floor(q) if 2**nbit < q: nbit += 1 nbit = int(nbit) # define the bit ids (start from 0) for XOR opbits = { 2: [1, 0], 3: [2, 1], 4: [3, 2], 5: [4, 2], 6: [5, 4], 7: [6, 5], 8: [7, 5, 4, 3], 9: [8, 4], 10: [9, 6], 11: [10, 8], 12: [11, 10, 9, 3], 13: [12, 11, 10, 7], 14: [13, 12, 11, 1], 15: [14, 13], 16: [15, 13, 12, 10], 17: [16, 13], 18: [17, 10], 19: [18, 17, 16, 13], 20: [19, 2], 21: [20, 18], 22: [21, 20], 23: [22, 17], 24: [23, 22, 21, 16], 25: [24, 21], 26: [25, 5, 1, 0], 27: [26, 4, 1, 0], 28: [27, 24], 29: [28, 26], 30: [29, 5, 3, 0], 31: [30, 27], 32: [31, 21, 1, 0]} if nbit not in opbits.keys(): print('Error: Only support up to 32 bit PRBS!') return False, None # generate the PRBS signal data = np.zeros(n) lfsr = 1 # init value for i in range(n): fb = 0 for bit_id in opbits[nbit]: fb ^= get_bit(lfsr, bit_id) # XOR the selected bits lfsr = ((lfsr << 1) + fb) & (2**nbit - 1) # shifted the buffer left by one bit and append 'fb' # to the last bit (see the note above) data[i] = float(fb) # normalize the range data[data == 0] = lower_b data[data == 1] = upper_b return True, data
[docs] def etfe(u, y, r = 1, exclude_transient = True, transient_batch_num = 1, fs = 1.0): ''' Implement the Empirical Transfer Function Estimation (ETFE). Parameters: u: numpy array, system input waveform y: numpy array, system output waveform r: int, periods (number of batches) in the waveform exclude_transient: boolean, True to exclude the transient (the first ``transient_batch_num`` batches will be excluded from calculation) transient_batch_num: int, number of transient batches fs: float, sampling frequency, Hz Returns: status: boolean, True for success freq: numpy array, frequency vector G: numpy array (complex), frequency response of the system u_fft: numpy array (complex), spectrum of the input waveform y_fft: numpy array (complex), spectrum of the output waveform ''' # check the input if (not u.shape == y.shape) or (r <= 0) or \ (transient_batch_num < 0) or (fs <= 0.0): return (False,) + (None,)*4 if exclude_transient: if transient_batch_num >= r: transient_batch_num = r # restructure the data N = u.shape[0] # total number of data points K = int(N / r) # number of points of each batch u = u.reshape((r, K)) # split to r parts and each part with K samples y = y.reshape((r, K)) # remove the transient if there are more than 1 batches in data if r > 1: if exclude_transient: u = u[transient_batch_num:] y = y[transient_batch_num:] # calculate the transfer function and average G = np.zeros(K, dtype = complex) n = u.shape[0] for i in range(n): u_fft = np.fft.fft(u[i]) y_fft = np.fft.fft(y[i]) G = G + y_fft / u_fft G /= n # tailor the results to the Nyquist band freq = np.arange(K) / K * fs ids_pf = freq <= 0.5 * fs # positive frequency IDs ids_nf = freq > 0.5 * fs # negative frequency IDs freq[ids_nf] -= fs # convert to negative frequency freq = np.append(freq[ids_nf], freq[ids_pf]) G = np.append(G[ids_nf], G[ids_pf]) u_fft = np.append(u_fft[ids_nf], u_fft[ids_pf]) y_fft = np.append(y_fft[ids_nf], y_fft[ids_pf]) # return the results return True, freq, G, u_fft, y_fft
[docs] def half_bw_decay(amp_wf, decay_ids, decay_ide, Ts): ''' Calculate the half-bandwidth of a standing-wave cavity from RF pulse decay. Refer to LLRF Book section 9.4.3. Parameters: amp_wf: numpy array, amplitude waveform decay_ids: int, starting index of calc window decay_ide: int, ending index of calc window Ts: float, sampling time, s Returns: status: boolean, 'True' for successful calculation half_bw: float, half bandwidth, rad/s ''' # check the input WF = np.array(amp_wf) if (WF.shape[0] < 3) or (Ts <= 0.0) or \ (decay_ids <= 0) or (decay_ide <= decay_ids): return False, None # do the calculation by fitting log_wf = np.log(WF[decay_ids : decay_ide]) # log scaled amplitude t = np.arange(decay_ide - decay_ids) * Ts # time vector p = np.polyfit(t, log_wf, 1) # linear fitting half_bw = -p[0] return True, half_bw
[docs] def detuning_decay(pha_wf_deg, decay_ids, decay_ide, Ts): ''' Calculate the detuning of a standing-wave cavity from RF pulse decay. Refer to LLRF Book section 9.4.3. Parameters: pha_wf_deg: numpy array, phase waveform, deg decay_ids: int, starting index of calc window decay_ide: int, ending index of calc window Ts: float, sampling time, s Returns: status: boolean, 'True' for successful calculation detuning: float, detuning, rad/s ''' # check the input WF = np.array(pha_wf_deg) if (WF.shape[0] < 3) or (Ts <= 0.0) or \ (decay_ids <= 0) or (decay_ide <= decay_ids): return False, None # do the calculation by fitting wf_rad = np.unwrap(WF[decay_ids : decay_ide] * np.pi / 180.0) # convert to radian t = np.arange(decay_ide - decay_ids) * Ts # time vector p = np.polyfit(t, wf_rad, 1) # linear fitting detuning = p[0] return True, detuning
[docs] def cav_drv_est(vc, half_bw, Ts, detuning = 0.0, beta = 1e4): ''' Calculate the theoritical drive waveform for the cavity probe waveform. Parameters: vc: numpy array (complex), cavity probe waveform half_bw: float, half bandwidth of the cavity, rad/s Ts: float, sampling time, s detuning: float, detuning of the cavity, rad/s beta: float, input coupling factor (needed for NC cavities; for SC cavities, can use the default value, or you can specify it if more accurate calibration is needed) Returns: status: boolean, success (True) or fail (False) vf: numpy array (complex), estimated cavity drive waveform vr: numpy array (complex), estimated cavity reflected waveform Note: 1. If the cavity probe signal contains pass-band modes, better notch filter them. 2. The estimate is useful to determine how to move the measured forward and reflected signals to align with the timing of the cavity probe signal. ''' # check the input if (vc.shape[0] < 3) or (Ts <= 0.0) or (half_bw <= 0.0): return False, None # get the discrete equation of the cavity AGc = np.matrix([[-(half_bw - 1j * detuning)]], dtype = complex) # continous cavity equation BGc = np.matrix([[2 * beta * half_bw / (beta + 1)]], dtype = complex) CGc = DGc = np.matrix(np.zeros(AGc.shape), dtype = complex) AGd, BGd, _, _, _ = signal.cont2discrete((AGc, BGc, CGc, DGc), Ts) # discretize it A = AGd[0, 0] # for SISO system (cavity), only keep the scalar values B = BGd[0, 0] # calculate the cavity input signal by inversing the discrete equation vf = (vc[1:] - A * vc[:-1]) / B vf = np.append(vf, vf[0]) vf = np.roll(vf, 1) vr = vc - vf ''' # second implementation - direct discretize the cavity equation der_vc = (vc[1:] - vc[:-1]) / Ts der_vc = np.append(der_vc, der_vc[0]) der_vc = np.roll(der_vc, 1) vf = (der_vc + (half_bw - 1j*detuning) * vc) * (beta + 1) / (2 * half_bw * beta) vr = vc - vf ''' return True, vf, vr
[docs] def cav_par_pulse(vc, vf, half_bw, Ts, beta = 1e4): ''' Calculate the half-bandwidth and detuning of a standing-wave cavity within an RF pulse with beam off (directly solve the cavity equation). Refer to LLRF Book section 9.4.3. Parameters: vc: numpy array (complex), cavity probe waveform (reference plane) vf: numpy array (complex), cavity forward waveform (calibrated to the same reference plan as the cavity probe signal) half_bw: float, half bandwidth of the cavity (derived from early part of decay), rad/s Ts: float, sampling time, s beta: float, input coupling factor (needed for NC cavities; for SC cavities, can use the default value, or you can specify it if more accurate calibration is needed) Returns: status: boolean, success (True) or fail (False) wh_pul: numpy array, half-bandwidth in the pulse, rad/s dw_pul: numpy array, detuning in the pulse, rad/s ''' # check the input if (not vc.shape == vf.shape) or (half_bw <= 0.0) or \ (Ts <= 0.0) or (beta <= 0.0): return False, None, None # use cavity polar equation vd = 2 * beta * vf / (beta + 1) vc_amp = np.abs(vc) vc_pha = np.angle(vc) vd_amp = np.abs(vd) vd_pha = np.angle(vd) # derivative der_vc_amp = np.gradient(vc_amp, Ts) der_vc_pha = np.gradient(vc_pha, Ts) # calculate the half-bandwidth and detuning wh_pul = (half_bw * vd_amp * np.cos(vc_pha - vd_pha) - der_vc_amp) / vc_amp dw_pul = der_vc_pha + half_bw * vd_amp / vc_amp * np.sin(vc_pha - vd_pha) return True, wh_pul, dw_pul
[docs] def cav_par_pulse_obs(vc, vf, half_bw, Ts, vb = None, beta = 1e4, pole_scale = 50): ''' Calculate the half-bandwidth and detuning of a standing-wave cavity within an RF pulse with beam on/off (use ADRC observer). Refer to the paper "Geng Z (2017a) Superconducting cavity control and model identification based on active disturbance rejection control. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci 64(3):951-958". Parameters: vc: numpy array (complex), cavity probe waveform (reference plane) vf: numpy array (complex), cavity forward waveform (calibrated to the same reference plan as the cavity probe signal) half_bw: float, half bandwidth of the cavity (derived from early part of decay), rad/s Ts: float, sampling time, s vb: numpy array (complex), beam drive waveform (calibrated to the same reference plan as the cavity probe signal) beta: float, input coupling factor (needed for NC cavities; for SC cavities, can use the default value, or you can specify it if more accurate calibration is needed) pole_scale: float, scale of the cavity half-bandwidth for the observer pole, it should be tens of times of the closed-loop bandwidth of the cavity Returns: status: boolean, success (True) or fail (False) wh_pul: numpy array, half-bandwidth in the pulse, rad/s dw_pul: numpy array, detuning in the pulse, rad/s vc_est: numpy array (complex), cavity probe waveform (estimated by observer) f_est: numpy array (complex), general disturbance WF (estimated by observer) ''' # check the input if (not vc.shape == vf.shape) or (half_bw <= 0) or \ (beta <= 0) or (pole_scale <= 0) or (Ts <= 0): return (False,) + (None,)*4 if vb is not None: if not vc.shape == vb.shape: return (False,) + (None,)*4 # get the observer output status, vc_est, f_est = cav_observer(vc, vf, half_bw, Ts, beta = beta, pole_scale = pole_scale) if not status: return (False,) + (None,)*4 # calculate the intra-pulse half bandwidth and detuning try: if vb is None: cgain = f_est / vc_est # without beam else: cgain = (f_est - 2 * half_bw * vb) / vc_est # with beam except: pass cgain = np.nan_to_num(cgain, copy = False) # put NaN to 0 (default number) wh_pul = -np.real(cgain) dw_pul = np.imag(cgain) # return the results return True, wh_pul, dw_pul, vc_est, f_est
[docs] def cav_beam_pulse_obs(vc, vf, wh_pul, dw_pul, half_bw, Ts, beta = 1e4, pole_scale = 20): ''' Calculate the beam drive waveform of a standing-wave cavity given the intra-pulse half-bandwidth and detuning. Refer to the paper "Geng Z (2017a) Superconducting cavity control and model identification based on active disturbance rejection control. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci 64(3):951-958". Parameters: vc: numpy array (complex), cavity probe waveform (reference plane) vf: numpy array (complex), cavity forward waveform (calibrated to the same reference plane as the cavity probe signal) wh_pul: numpy array, half-bandwidth in the pulse, rad/s dw_pul: numpy array, detuning in the pulse, rad/s half_bw: float, half bandwidth of the cavity (derived from early part of decay), rad/s Ts: float, sampling time, s beta: float, input coupling factor (needed for NC cavities; for SC cavities, can use the default value, or you can specify it if more accurate calibration is needed) pole_scale: float, scale of the cavity half-bandwidth for the observer pole, it should be tens of times of the closed-loop bandwidth of the cavity Returns: status: boolean, success (True) or fail (False) vb_est: numpy array (complex), beam drive waveform (estimated by observer) vc_est: numpy array (complex), cavity probe waveform (estimated by observer) f_est: numpy array (complex), general disturbance WF (estimated by observer) ''' # check the input if (not vc.shape == vf.shape == wh_pul.shape == dw_pul.shape) or (half_bw <= 0) or \ (beta <= 0) or (pole_scale <= 0) or (Ts <= 0): return False, None, None, None # get the observer output status, vc_est, f_est = cav_observer(vc, vf, half_bw, Ts, beta = beta, pole_scale = pole_scale) if not status: return False, None, None, None # calculate the beam drive b1 = 2 * half_bw cgain = wh_pul + 1j*dw_pul vb_est = (f_est + cgain * vc_est) / b1 # return the results return True, vb_est, vc_est, f_est
[docs] def cav_observer(vc, vf, half_bw, Ts, beta = 1e4, pole_scale = 50): ''' Estimate the cavity voltage (denoised) and the general disturbance with the ADRC observer. Refer to the paper "Geng Z (2017a) Superconducting cavity control and model identification based on active disturbance rejection control. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci 64(3):951-958". Parameters: vc: numpy array (complex), cavity probe waveform (reference plane) vf: numpy array (complex), cavity forward waveform (calibrated to the same reference plane as the cavity probe signal) half_bw: float, half bandwidth of the cavity (derived from early part of decay), rad/s Ts: float, sampling time, s beta: float, input coupling factor (needed for NC cavities; for SC cavities, can use the default value, or you can specify it if more accurate calibration is needed) pole_scale: float, scale of the cavity half-bandwidth for the observer pole, it should be tens of times of the closed-loop bandwidth of the cavity Returns: status: boolean, success (True) or fail (False) vc_est: numpy array (complex), cavity probe waveform (estimated by observer) f_est: numpy array (complex), general disturbance WF (estimated by observer) ''' # check the input if (not vc.shape == vf.shape) or (half_bw <= 0) or \ (beta <= 0) or (pole_scale <= 0) or (Ts <= 0): return False, None, None # parameters p_obs = -pole_scale * half_bw # pole of the observer m1 = -2 * p_obs # observer matrix parameter m2 = p_obs**2 # observer matrix parameter b0 = 2 * beta * half_bw / (beta + 1) # gain for RF drive voltage # construct the ADRC observer A_obs = np.matrix([[-m1, 0, 1, 0], [ 0, -m1, 0, 1], [-m2, 0, 0, 0], [ 0, -m2, 0, 0]]) B_obs = np.matrix([[ m1, 0, b0, 0], [ 0, m1, 0, b0], [ m2, 0, 0, 0], [ 0, m2, 0, 0]]) C_obs = D_obs = np.matrix(np.zeros(A_obs.shape)) # simulate the observer output - denoised cavity voltage and general disturbance U = np.vstack((np.real(vc), np.imag(vc), np.real(vf), np.imag(vf))) T = np.arange(vc.shape[0]) * Ts X = signal.lsim((A_obs, B_obs, C_obs, D_obs), U.T, T) Y = X[2].T # construct the complex signals vc_est = Y[0] + 1j*Y[1] f_est = Y[2] + 1j*Y[3] return True, vc_est, f_est
[docs] def iden_impulse(U, Y, order = 20): ''' Identify the impulse response using the input-output data. Parameters: U: numpy array (complex), input waveforms Y: numpy array (complex), output waveforms order: int, order of the impulse response Returns: status: boolean, success (True) or fail (False) h: numpy array (complex), impulse response ''' # check the input if (not U.shape == Y.shape) or (order < 2): return False, None # get the dimension n_wf = U.shape[0] # number of waveforms N = U.shape[1] # number of points in each waveform if order > N: order = N - 1 # cannot exceed the point number in a WF # construct the linear equation A = np.zeros(((N - order) * n_wf, order), dtype = complex) B = np.zeros( (N - order) * n_wf, dtype = complex) for k in range(n_wf): for i in range(N - order): A[k * (N - order) + i, :] = U[k][i : i + order] B[k * (N - order) + i] = Y[k][i + order] # least-square fitting X = np.linalg.lstsq(A, B, rcond = None) # return the results return True, X[0][::-1]
[docs] def beta_powers(pf, pr, weak = False): ''' Identify the cavity input coupling factor using the steady-state forward/reflected powers. Refer to LLRF Book section 9.4.1. Parameters: pf: float, forward power in steady-state pr: float, reflected power in steady-state (with the same unit as pf) weak: boolean, True for weak coupling (beta < 1), False for strong coupling (beta > 1) Returns: status: boolean, True for success beta: float, cavity input coupling factor ''' # make physical if pr >= pf: pr = pf - 1.0e-8 # check the input if pf <= 0 or pr < 0: return False, None # make the calculation alpha = np.sqrt(pr / pf) if weak: beta = (1.0 - alpha) / (1.0 + alpha) else: beta = (1.0 + alpha) / (1.0 - alpha) return True, beta