Source code for rf_sim

"""Simulate the RF cavity response in the presence of RF drive and beam loading."""
#  Copyright (c) 2023 by Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland
#  All rights reserved.
#  Authors: Zheqiao Geng
Here collects routines for RF system simulator

    - cav_ss                : derive a continous state-space equation of a cavity (all modes)
    - cav_ss_passband       : derive a continous state-space equation of a cavity (only passband modes)
    - cav_ss_mech           : derive a continous state-space equation of mechanical modes
    - cav_impulse           : derive the cavity impulse response from the cavity parameters
    - sim_ncav_pulse        : simulate cavity (with constant QL and detuning) response to a pulsed input
    - sim_ncav_step         : simulate cavity (with constant QL and detuning) response for a time step
    - sim_ncav_step_simple  : simulate cavity (with constant QL and detuning) response for a time step
                              (simplified cavity equation only with the fundamental passband mode)
    - sim_scav_step         : simulate cavity response with mechanical modes for a time step
    - sim_ss_step           : a generic state-space solver to execute for one step
    - rf_power_req          : calculate the required RF power for diesired cavity voltage and beam
    - opt_QL_detuning       : calcualte the optimal QL and detuning for minimizing the reflection power

To be implemented:
    - implement the superconducting cavity model with Lorenz force detuning
    - traveling-wave structure model
    - pulse compressor (SLED/BOC) model
Some algorithms are referred to the following books:
S. Simrock and Z. Geng, Low-Level Radio Frequency Systems, Springer, 2022 ("LLRF Book")
import numpy as np
from scipy import signal

from rf_sysid import *
from rf_misc import *

[docs] def cav_ss(half_bw, detuning = 0.0, beta = 1e4, passband_modes = None, plot = False, plot_pno = 1000): ''' Derive the continuous state-space equation of the cavity - include pass-band modes. - we assume the half-bandwidth and detuning of the fundamental mode are constant. - we output two models: one for RF drive, and the other for beam (beam only interacts with the fundamental mode of the cavity). Refer to LLRF Book section 3.3.7 and 3.4.3. Parameters: half_bw: float, half bandwidth of the cavity (constant), rad/s detuning: float, detuning of the cavity (constant), rad/s beta: float, input coupling factor (needed for NC cavities; for SC cavities, can use the default value, or you can specify it if more accurate result is needed) passband_modes: dict, with the following items: ``freq_offs`` : list, offset frequencies of the modes, Hz; ``gain_rel`` : list, relative gain wrt fundamental mode; ``half_bw`` : list, half bandwidth of the mode, rad/s plot: boolean, enable the plot of frequency response plot_pno: int, number of point in the plot Returns: status: boolean, success (True) or fail (False) Arf, Brf, Crf, Drf: numpy matrix (complex), continous cavity model for RF drive Abm, Bbm, Cbm, Dbm: numpy matrix (complex), continous cavity model for beam drive ''' # check the parameters if (half_bw <= 0) or (beta <= 0): return (False,) + (None,)*8 if passband_modes is not None: if (not isinstance(passband_modes, dict)) or \ ('freq_offs' not in passband_modes.keys()) or \ ('gain_rel' not in passband_modes.keys()) or \ ('half_bw' not in passband_modes.keys()): return (False,) + (None,)*8 plot_pno = 1000 if (plot_pno <= 0) else plot_pno # define the parameters of the fundamental mode b0 = 2 * beta * half_bw / (beta + 1) # gain for the RF drive voltage b1 = 2 * half_bw # gain for the beam drive voltage # transfer function of the fundamental mode rf_num = [b0] rf_den = [1, half_bw - 1j*detuning] bm_num = [b1] bm_den = [1, half_bw - 1j*detuning] # interprete the passband modes if passband_modes is not None: # get the passband mode parameters pb_f = passband_modes['freq_offs'] # frequency offset compared to the fundamental mode, Hz pb_g = passband_modes['gain_rel'] # gain relative to the fundamental mode pb_wh = passband_modes['half_bw'] # half bandwidth of the passband modes, rad/s # add the passband mode transfer functions for i in range(len(pb_f)): rf_num, rf_den = add_tf(rf_num, rf_den, [b0 * pb_g[i] * pb_wh[i] / half_bw], [1, pb_wh[i] - 1j*2*np.pi*pb_f[i]]) # get the state-space model Arf, Brf, Crf, Drf = signal.tf2ss(rf_num, rf_den) Abm, Bbm, Cbm, Dbm = signal.tf2ss(bm_num, bm_den) # plot the response if plot: # get the max freq range if passband_modes is not None: max_wrange = np.max([abs(detuning), 5*half_bw, np.max(np.abs(passband_modes['freq_offs']))*2*np.pi]) else: max_wrange = np.max([abs(detuning), 5*half_bw]) # calculate the response wrf, hrf = signal.freqs(rf_num, rf_den, worN = np.linspace(-2*max_wrange, 2*max_wrange, plot_pno)) wbm, hbm = signal.freqs(bm_num, bm_den, worN = np.linspace(-2*max_wrange, 2*max_wrange, plot_pno)) # make the plot from rf_plot import plot_cav_ss plot_cav_ss(wrf, hrf, wbm, hbm) # return the results return True, Arf, Brf, Crf, Drf, Abm, Bbm, Cbm, Dbm
[docs] def cav_ss_passband(passband_modes): ''' Derive the continuous state-space equation of the cavity, only the passband modes. Refer to LLRF Book section 3.3.7 and 3.4.3. Parameters: passband_modes: dict, with the following items: ``freq_offs`` : list, offset frequencies of the modes, Hz; ``gain_rel`` : list, relative gain wrt fundamental mode; ``half_bw`` : list, half bandwidth of the mode, rad/s Returns: status: boolean, success (True) or fail (False) Arf, Brf, Crf, Drf: numpy matrix (complex), continous passband model for RF drive ''' # check the parameters if passband_modes is None: return (False,) + (None,)*4 if (not isinstance(passband_modes, dict)) or \ ('freq_offs' not in passband_modes.keys()) or \ ('gain_rel' not in passband_modes.keys()) or \ ('half_bw' not in passband_modes.keys()): return (False,) + (None,)*4 if len(passband_modes['freq_offs']) < 1: return (False,) + (None,)*4 # transfer function initialization rf_num = [0.0] rf_den = [1.0] # get the passband mode parameters pb_f = passband_modes['freq_offs'] # frequency offset compared to the fundamental mode, Hz pb_g = passband_modes['gain_rel'] # gain relative to the fundamental mode pb_wh = passband_modes['half_bw'] # half bandwidth of the passband modes, rad/s # add the passband mode transfer functions for i in range(len(pb_f)): rf_num, rf_den = add_tf(rf_num, rf_den, [pb_g[i] * pb_wh[i]], [1, pb_wh[i] - 1j*2*np.pi*pb_f[i]]) # get the state-space model Arf, Brf, Crf, Drf = signal.tf2ss(rf_num, rf_den) # return the results return True, Arf, Brf, Crf, Drf
[docs] def cav_ss_mech(mech_modes, lpf_fc = None): ''' Derive the continous state-space equation of the cavity mechanical modes. Refer to LLRF book section 3.3.10. Parameters: mech_modes: dict, with the following items: ``f`` : list, frequencies of mech modes, Hz; ``Q`` : list, qualify factors; ``K`` : list, K values, rad/s/(MV)^2. lpf_fc : float, low-pass cutoff freq (optional), Hz Returns: status: boolean, success (True) or fail (False) A, B, C, D: numpy matrix (real), continous mechanical model ''' # check if mech_modes is None: return (False,) + (None,)*4 if len(mech_modes['f']) < 1: return (False,) + (None,)*4 # get the paremters fm = mech_modes['f'] # frequency of the mechanical mode, Hz Qm = mech_modes['Q'] # quality factor Km = mech_modes['K'] # K value, rad/s/(MV)^2 # build the transfer function of the first mechanical mode w = 2 * np.pi * fm[0] # get the angular freq, rad/s num = [-Km[0] * w**2] den = [1, w/Qm[0], w**2] # add the other mode transfer functions if len(fm) > 1: for i in range(1, len(fm)): w = 2 * np.pi * fm[i] num, den = add_tf(num, den, [-Km[i] * w**2], [1, w/Qm[i], w**2]) # add the LPF if applicable if lpf_fc is not None: if lpf_fc > 0.0: w = 2 * np.pi * lpf_fc num, den = add_tf(num, den, [w], [1, w]) # get the state-space model A, B, C, D = signal.tf2ss(num, den) # return the results return True, A, B, C, D
[docs] def cav_impulse(half_bw, detuning, Ts, order = 20): ''' Derive the impulse response from the cavity equation. We assume that the system gain has been normalized to 1 and the system phase corrected to 0. Therefore, the referred cavity equation is ``dvc/dt + (half_bw - 1j * detuning)*vc = half_bw * vd``, where ``vc`` is the vector of cavity voltage and ``vd`` is the vector of cavity drive (in principle ``vd = 2 * beta * vf / (beta + 1)``). Refer to LLRF Book section 4.5.2. Parameters: half_bw: float, constant half bandwidth of the cavity, rad/s detuning: float, constant detuning of the cavity, rad/s Ts: float, sampling time, s order: int, order of the impulse response Returns: status: boolean, success (True) or fail (False) h: numpy array (complex), impulse response ''' # check the input if (half_bw <= 0.0) or (detuning <= 0.0) or (Ts <= 0.0) or \ (order < 2): return False, None # calculate the impulse response k = np.arange(order) h = Ts * half_bw * (1.0 - Ts * (half_bw - 1j * detuning))**k # return the results return True, h
[docs] def sim_ncav_pulse(Arfc, Brfc, Crfc, Drfc, vf, Ts, Abmc = None, Bbmc = None, Cbmc = None, Dbmc = None, vb = None): ''' Simulate the cavity response to a pulsed RF drive and beam current. This function is for normal conducting cavties with constant QL and detuning. Parameters: Arfc, Brfc, Crfc, Drfc: numpy matrix (complex), continous cavity model for RF drive vf: numpy array (complex), cavity forward voltage (calibrated to the cavity probe signal reference plane) Ts: float, sampling frequency, Hz Abmc, Bbmc, Cbmc, Dbmc: numpy matrix (complex), continous cavity model for beam drive vb: numpy array (complex), beam drive voltage (calibrated to the cavity probe signal reference plane) Returns: status: boolean, success (True) or fail (False) T: numpy array, time waveform, s vc: numpy array (complex), cavity voltage waveform vr: numpy array (complex), cavity reflected voltage waveform ''' # check the input if (Ts <= 0.0): return False, None, None, None if vb is not None: if (not vb.shape == vf.shape): return False, None, None, None # simulate the response of the continous system T = np.arange(vf.shape[0]) * Ts _, vc_rf, _ = signal.lsim((Arfc, Brfc, Crfc, Drfc), vf, T) # Returns: T, Yout, Xout vc = vc_rf if not any([x is None for x in (Abmc, Bbmc, Cbmc, Dbmc, vb)]): _, vc_bm, _ = signal.lsim((Abmc, Bbmc, Cbmc, Dbmc), vb, T) vc += vc_bm # get the cavity reflected vr = vc - vf return True, T, vc, vr
[docs] def sim_ncav_step(Arfd, Brfd, Crfd, Drfd, vf_step, state_rf0, Abmd = None, Bbmd = None, Cbmd = None, Dbmd = None, vb_step = None, state_bm0 = None): ''' Simulate the cavity response for a time step using the discrete cavity state-space function. Parameters: Arfd, Brfd, Crfd, Drfd: numpy matrix (complex), discrete cavity model for RF drive vf_step: complex, cavity forward voltage of this step state_rf0: numpy matrix (complex), state of RF response model of last step Abmd, Bbmd, Cbmd, Dbmd: numpy matrix (complex), discrete cavity model for beam drive vb_step: complex, beam drive voltage of this step state_bm0: numpy matrix (complex), state of beam response model of last step Returns: status: boolean, success (True) or fail (False) vc_step: complex, cavity voltage of this step vr_step: complex, cavity reflected voltage of this step state_rf: numpy matrix (complex), state of RF response model of this step (should input to next execution) state_bm: numpy matrix (complex), state of beam response model of this step (should input to next execution) ''' # calculate the RF/beam response state_rf = Arfd * state_rf0 + Brfd * vf_step vc_rf_step = Crfd * state_rf0 + Drfd * vf_step if not any([x is None for x in (Abmd, Bbmd, Cbmd, Dbmd, vb_step, state_bm0)]): state_bm = Abmd * state_bm0 + Bbmd * vb_step vc_bm_step = Cbmd * state_bm0 + Dbmd * vb_step vc_step = vc_rf_step[0,0] + vc_bm_step[0,0] else: state_bm = None vc_step = vc_rf_step[0,0] # get the cavity reflected of this step vr_step = vc_step - vf_step # return the results of the step return True, vc_step, vr_step, state_rf, state_bm
[docs] def sim_ncav_step_simple(half_bw, detuning, vf_step, vb_step, vc_step0, Ts, beta = 1e4): ''' Simulate the cavity response for a time step using the simple discrete cavtiy equation (Euler method for discretization). Parameters: half_bw: float, half bandwidth of the cavity (constant), rad/s detuning: float, detuning of the cavity (constant), rad/s vf_step: complex, cavity forward voltage of this step vb_step: complex, beam drive voltage of this step vc_step0: complex, cavity voltage of the last step Ts: float, sampling time, s beta: float, input coupling factor (needed for NC cavities; for SC cavities, can use the default value, or you can specify it if more accurate result is needed) Returns: status: boolean, success (True) or fail (False) vc_step: complex, cavity voltage of this step vr_step: complex, cavity reflected voltage of this step ''' # check the input if (half_bw <= 0.0) or (Ts <= 0.0) or (beta <= 0.0): return False, None, None # make a step of calculation vc_step = (1 - Ts * (half_bw - 1j*detuning)) * vc_step0 + \ 2 * half_bw * Ts * (beta * vf_step / (beta + 1) + vb_step) vr_step = vc_step - vf_step # return the results of the step return True, vc_step, vr_step
[docs] def sim_scav_step(half_bw, dw_step0, detuning0, vf_step, vb_step, vc_step0, Ts, beta = 1e4, state_m0 = 0, Am = None, Bm = None, Cm = None, Dm = None, mech_exe = False): ''' Simulate the cavity response for a time step using the simple discrete cavtiy equation (Euler method for discretization) including the mechanical modes. We first simulate one step of the mechanical mode and determine the detuning value, then use the ``sim_ncav_step_simple`` function to simulate one step of the electrical model. Parameters: half_bw: float, half bandwidth of the cavity (constant), rad/s dw_step0: float, detuning of the last step, rad/s detuning0: float, external detuning (tuner + microphonics), rad/s vf_step: complex, cavity forward voltage of this step, V vb_step: complex, beam drive voltage of this step, V vc_step0: complex, cavity voltage of the last step, V Ts: float, sampling time, s beta: float, input coupling factor (needed for NC cavities; for SC cavities, can use the default value, or you can specify it if more accurate result is needed) state_m0: numpy matrix (real), last state of the mechanical equation Am, Bm, Cm, Dm: numpy matrix (real), state-space matrix of mech modes mech_exe: boolean, if exe mech sim one step or not (for down sampling) Returns: status: boolean, success (True) or fail (False) vc_step: complex, cavity voltage of this step vr_step: complex, cavity reflected voltage of this step dw: float, detuning of this step, rad/s state_m: numpy matrix (real), updated state of the mechanical equation ''' # check the input if (half_bw <= 0.0) or (Ts <= 0.0) or (beta <= 0.0): return (False,) + (None,)*4 # make a step of calculation of electrical equation (only pi mode) vc_step = (1 - Ts * (half_bw - 1j*dw_step0)) * vc_step0 + \ 2 * half_bw * Ts * (beta * vf_step / (beta + 1) + vb_step) vr_step = vc_step - vf_step # update the mechanical mode equation and get the detuning if (state_m0 is None) or \ (Am is None) or \ (Bm is None) or \ (Cm is None) or \ (Dm is None) or \ (not mech_exe): state_m = state_m0 dw = detuning0 else: state_m = Am * state_m0 + Bm * (abs(vc_step) * 1.0e-6)**2 dw = Cm * state_m0 + Dm * (abs(vc_step) * 1.0e-6)**2 + detuning0 # return the results of the step return True, vc_step, vr_step, dw, state_m
[docs] def sim_ss_step(Ad, Bd, Cd, Dd, vin_step, state0): ''' A generic state-space solver to execute for one step. Parameters: Ad, Bd, Cd, Dd: numpy matrix (float/complex), discrete state-space matrices vin_step: float/complex, input of this step state0: numpy matrix (float/complex), state of last step Returns: status: boolean, success (True) or fail (False) vout_step: float/complex, output of this step state: numpy matrix (float/complex), state of this step (input to next exe) ''' state = Ad * state0 + Bd * vin_step vout_step = Cd * state0 + Dd * vin_step return True, vout_step, state
[docs] def rf_power_req(f0, vc0, ib0, phib, Q0, roQ_or_RoQ, QL_vec = None, detuning_vec = None, machine = 'linac', plot = False): ''' Plot the steady-state forward and reflected power for given cavity voltage, beam current and beam phase, as function of loaded Q and detuning. The beam phase is defined to be zero for on-crest acceleration. Refer to LLRF Book section 3.3.9. Parameters: f0: float, RF operating frequency, Hz vc0: float, desired cavity voltage, V ib0: float, desired average beam current, A phib: float, desired beam phase, degree Q0: float, unloaded quality factor (for SC cavity, give it a very high value like 1e10) roQ_or_RoQ: float, cavity r/Q of Linac or R/Q of circular accelerator, Ohm (see the note below) QL_vec: numpy array, QL vector for power calculation detuning_vec: numpy array, detuning at which to evaluated the powers machine: string, ``linac`` or ``circular``, used to select r/Q or R/Q plot: boolean, enable/disable the plotting Returns: status: boolean, success (True) or fail (False) Pfor: dictionary, keyed by detuning, forward power at different QL Pref: dictionary, keyed by detuning, reflected power at different QL Note: Linacs define the ``r/Q = Vacc**2 / (w0 * U)`` while circular machines define ``R/Q = Vacc**2 / (2 * w0 * U)``, where ``Vacc`` is the accelerating voltage, ``w0`` is the angular cavity resonance frequency and ``U`` is the cavity energy storage. Therefore, to use this function, one needs to specify the ``machine`` to be ``linac`` or ``circular``. Generally, we have ``R/Q = 1/2 * r/Q``. ''' # check the input if (f0 <= 0.0) or (vc0 < 0.0) or (ib0 < 0.0) or (Q0 <= 0.0) or \ (roQ_or_RoQ <= 0.0) or (QL_vec.shape[0] < 1): return False, None, None if detuning_vec is None: detuning_vec = [0.0] # calcualte the necessary parameters if machine == 'circular': RL_vec = roQ_or_RoQ * QL_vec # calculate the loaded resistance RL, Ohm else: RL_vec = 0.5 * roQ_or_RoQ * QL_vec beta_vec = Q0 / QL_vec - 1.0 # input coupling factor wh_vec = np.pi * f0 / QL_vec # hald bandwidth, rad/s phib_rad = phib * np.pi / 180.0 # beam phase in radian # calculate for each detuning Pfor = {} Pref = {} for dw in detuning_vec: Pfor[dw] = (beta_vec + 1) / beta_vec * vc0**2 / 8 / RL_vec * (\ (1 + 2 * RL_vec * ib0 * np.cos(phib_rad) / vc0)**2 + \ (dw / wh_vec + 2 * RL_vec * ib0 * np.sin(phib_rad) / vc0)**2) Pref[dw] = (beta_vec + 1) / beta_vec * vc0**2 / 8 / RL_vec * (\ ((beta_vec - 1)/(beta_vec + 1) - 2 * RL_vec * ib0 * np.cos(phib_rad) / vc0)**2 + \ (dw / wh_vec + 2 * RL_vec * ib0 * np.sin(phib_rad) / vc0)**2) # plot the result if plot: from rf_plot import plot_rf_power_req plot_rf_power_req(Pfor, Pref, QL_vec) return True, Pfor, Pref
[docs] def opt_QL_detuning(f0, vc0, ib0, phib, Q0, roQ_or_RoQ, machine = 'linac', cav_type = 'sc'): ''' Derived the optimal loaded Q and detuning. Refer to LLRF Book section 3.3.9. Parameters: f0: float, RF operating frequency, Hz vc0: float, desired cavity voltage, V ib0: float, desired average beam current, A phib: float, desired beam phase, degree Q0: float, unloaded quality factor (for SC cavity, give it a very high value like 1e10) roQ_or_RoQ: float, cavity r/Q of Linac or R/Q of circular accelerator, Ohm (see the note below) machine: string, ``linac`` or ``circular``, used to select r/Q or R/Q cav_type: string, ``sc`` for superconducting or ``nc`` for normal conducting Returns: status: boolean, success (True) or fail (False) QL_opt: float, optimal loaded quality factor dw_opt: float, optimal detuning, rad/s beta_opt: float, optimal input coupling factor Note: Linacs define the ``r/Q = Vacc**2 / (w0 * U)`` while circular machines define ``R/Q = Vacc**2 / (2 * w0 * U)``, where ``Vacc`` is the accelerating voltage, ``w0`` is the angular cavity resonance frequency and ``U`` is the cavity energy storage. Therefore, to use this function, one needs to specify the ``machine`` to be ``linac`` or ``circular``. Generally, we have ``R/Q = 1/2 * r/Q``. ''' # check the input if (f0 <= 0.0) or (vc0 < 0.0) or (ib0 < 0.0) or (Q0 <= 0.0) or \ (roQ_or_RoQ <= 0.0): return False, None, None # some parameters if machine == 'circular': shunt_imp = roQ_or_RoQ * 2.0 else: shunt_imp = roQ_or_RoQ phib_rad = phib * np.pi / 180.0 # beam phase in radian # calculate the optimal values dw_opt = -np.pi * f0 * shunt_imp * ib0 * np.sin(phib_rad) / vc0 if cav_type == 'sc': QL_opt = vc0 /(shunt_imp * ib0 * np.cos(phib_rad)) beta_opt = Q0 / QL_opt - 1.0 else: beta_opt = shunt_imp * Q0 * ib0 * np.cos(phib_rad) / vc0 + 1.0 QL_opt = Q0 / (beta_opt + 1.0) # return the results return True, QL_opt, dw_opt, beta_opt