Source code for rf_misc

"""Save/read data to/from Matlab files."""
#  Copyright (c) 2023 by Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland
#  All rights reserved.
#  Authors: Zheqiao Geng
Here collects routines for variaous functions
    - save_mat        : save a dictionary into a Matlab .mat file
    - load_mat        : load a Matlab .mat file into a dictionary
    - get_curtime_str : get a string of the current date/time
    - get_bit         : get a bit of an integer
    - add_tf          : adding two transfer function in num/den format
    - plot_ellipse    : plot an ellipse using its characteristics
    - plot_Guassian   : plot a 1D Guassian distribution
import datetime
import numpy as np
import as spio

[docs] def save_mat(data_dict, file_name): ''' Save a dictionary into matlab file. Parameters: data_dict: data dictionary file_name: full file name including path Returns: status: boolean, success (True) or fail (False) ''' # check input if not isinstance(data_dict, dict): return False # array dict data = {} # convert the list into array for item in data_dict.keys(): item_matlab_str = item.replace("-", "_") # convert names suitable for matlab item_matlab_str = item_matlab_str.replace(":", "_") if isinstance(data_dict[item], list): data[item_matlab_str] = np.array(data_dict[item]) else: data[item_matlab_str] = data_dict[item] # check the extention of the file_name if not '.mat' in file_name: file_name += '.mat' # write to matlab file try: spio.savemat(file_name = file_name, mdict = data, long_field_names = True, oned_as = "column") return True except: return False
[docs] def load_mat(file_name, to_list = False): ''' Load a matlab data file into a dict. this function should be called instead of direct spio.loadmat as it cures the problem of not properly recovering python dictionaries from mat files. It calls the function check keys to cure all entries which are still mat-objects. Parameters: file_name: full file name including path Returns: status: boolean, success (True) or fail (False) data: dict, contain the data with the key the var name in Matlab Note: This implementation can be found here ''' def _check_keys(d): ''' checks if entries in dictionary are mat-objects. If yes todict is called to change them to nested dictionaries ''' for key in d: if isinstance(d[key], spio.matlab.mio5_params.mat_struct): d[key] = _todict(d[key]) return d def _todict(matobj): ''' A recursive function which constructs from matobjects nested dictionaries ''' d = {} for strg in matobj._fieldnames: elem = matobj.__dict__[strg] if isinstance(elem, spio.matlab.mio5_params.mat_struct): d[strg] = _todict(elem) elif isinstance(elem, np.ndarray): if to_list: d[strg] = _tolist(elem) else: d[strg] = elem else: d[strg] = elem return d def _tolist(ndarray): ''' A recursive function which constructs lists from cellarrays (which are loaded as numpy ndarrays), recursing into the elements if they contain matobjects. ''' elem_list = [] for sub_elem in ndarray: if isinstance(sub_elem, spio.matlab.mio5_params.mat_struct): elem_list.append(_todict(sub_elem)) elif isinstance(sub_elem, np.ndarray): elem_list.append(_tolist(sub_elem)) else: elem_list.append(sub_elem) return elem_list data = spio.loadmat(file_name, struct_as_record = False, squeeze_me = True, mat_dtype = False) return _check_keys(data)
[docs] def get_curtime_str(format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'): ''' Get the current time string. Parameters: format: string of format Returns: time_str: string, the time string ''' cur_time = return cur_time.strftime(format)
[docs] def get_bit(data, bit_id = 0): ''' Get a bit from the data, the bit index starts from 0. Parameters: data: int, the input data bit_id: int, index of the bit Returns: bit: int, 1 or 0 ''' # convert the data and bit id to integer data_i = int(data) id_i = int(bit_id) # return the bit return ((data_i >> id_i) & 1)
[docs] def add_tf(num1, den1, num2, den2): ''' Add two transfer functions in num/den format ``A/B+C/D = (AD+BC)/BD``. Parameters: num1, den1: list, polynomial coeffcients of transfer function1 num2, den2: list, polynomial coeffcients of transfer function2 Returns: num_sum, den_sum: list, polynomial coefficients of the sum ''' # convert to polynomial object A = np.poly1d(num1) B = np.poly1d(den1) C = np.poly1d(num2) D = np.poly1d(den2) # get the result num_sum = A * D + B * C den_sum = B * D return num_sum.c.tolist(), den_sum.c.tolist()
[docs] def plot_ellipse(n, a = 1.0, b = 1.0, x0 = 0.0, y0 = 0.0, sita = 0.0, plot = False): ''' Draw an ellipse (see ``fit_ellipse`` function in ``rf_fit`` module). Parameters: n: int, number of points a: float, semi-major b: float, semi-minor x0, y0: float, center of the ellipse sita: float, angle of the ellipse, rad plot: boolean, True for enabling displaying Returns: status: boolean, True for success X, Y: numpy array, points on the ellipse ''' # check the input if (n < 3) or (a <= 0.0) or (b <= 0.0): return False, None, None # generate points on the ellipse phi = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, n) X1 = a * np.cos(phi) # a standard ellipse Y1 = b * np.sin(phi) X2 = X1 * np.cos(sita) - Y1 * np.sin(sita) # make rotation Y2 = X1 * np.sin(sita) + Y1 * np.cos(sita) X = X2 + x0 # add offset Y = Y2 + y0 # plot the ellipse if plot: from rf_plot import plot_plot_ellipse plot_plot_ellipse(X, Y) # return the points return True, X, Y
[docs] def plot_Guassian(n, a = 1.0, mu = 0.0, sigma = 1.0, plot = False): ''' Draw Guassiand distribution (see ``fit_Guassian`` function in ``rf_fit`` module). Parameters: n: int, number of points a: float, magnitude scale factor mu: float, mean value sigma: float, standard deviation plot: boolean, True for enabling displaying Returns: status: boolean, True for success X, Y: numpy array, points on the curve ''' # check the input if (n < 3) or (a <= 0.0) or (sigma <= 0.0): return False, None, None # generate the data of 5 sigma X = np.linspace(-5.0 * sigma + mu, 5.0 * sigma + mu, n) Y = a * np.exp(-0.5 / sigma**2 * (X - mu)**2) # plot if plot: from rf_plot import plot_plot_Guassian plot_plot_Guassian(X, Y) # return the results return True, X, Y