Source code for rf_control

"""Design and analyze RF feedback/feedforward controllers."""
#  Copyright (c) 2023 by Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland
#  All rights reserved.
#  Authors: Zheqiao Geng
Here collects routines for RF controller design, analysis and simulation

    - ss_discrete         : discretize a continous state-space system and compare freq responses
    - ss_cascade          : cascade two state-space systems (either continous or discrete - C/D)
    - ss_freqresp         : calculate and plot freq response of a state-space system (C/D)
    - basic_rf_controller : derive a basic continous RF I/Q controller: P + I + frequency notches
    - control_step        : perform one time-step execution of the discretized controller
    - loop_analysis       : analyze the sensitivity/complementary sensitivity of an RF control loop (C/D)
    - cav_sp_ff           : derive the setpoint and feedforward waveforms for desired cavity voltage
                            and beam loading
    - ADRC_controller     : derive a basic ADRC controller (the observer and gain)
    - ADRC_control_step   : perform one time-step execution of the discretized controller including
                            the ADRC observer
    - AFF_timerev_lpf     : time-reversed low pass filter-based adaptive feedforward
    - AFF_ilc_design      : derive the ILC gain matrix from the impulse response and weighting
    - AFF_ilc             : apply the ILC algorithm to calculate the feedforward correction signal
    - resp_inv_svd        : response matrix inversion with SVD (with singular value filtering)
    - resp_inv_lsm        : response matrix inversion with lease-square method (with regularization)

To be implemented:
    - in "cav_sp_ff", smooth the feedforward and update the setpoint correspondingly
    - pulsed piezo drive generation
    - Active noise cancellation for tuning control (narro-band/wideband ANC)
    - look-up table based operating point determination
Some algorithms are referred to the following books:
S. Simrock and Z. Geng, Low-Level Radio Frequency Systems, Springer, 2022 ("LLRF Book")
Z. Geng and S. Simrock, Intelligent Beam Control in Accelerators, Springer, 2023 ("Beam Control Book")
import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
from numpy.linalg import matrix_rank

from rf_sysid import *
from rf_misc import *

[docs] def ss_discrete(Ac, Bc, Cc, Dc, Ts, method = 'zoh', alpha = 0.3, plot = False, plot_pno = 1000, spec_data = False): ''' Derive the discrete state-space equation from a continous one and compare their frequency responses. Parameters: Ac, Bc, Cc, Dc: numpy matrix (complex), continous state-space model Ts: float, sampling time, s method: string, ``gbt``, ``bilinear``, ``euler``, ``backward_diff``, ``zoh``, ``foh`` or ``impulse`` (see document of signal.cont2discrete) alpha: float, 0 to 1 (see document of signal.cont2discrete) plot: boolean, enable the plot of frequency responses plot_pno: int, number of point in the plot spec_data: boolean, return spectra data or not Returns: status: boolean, success (True) or fail (False) Ad, Bd, Cd, Dd: numpy matrix (complex), discrete state-space model ''' # check the input if (Ts <= 0): return (False,) + (None,)*5 plot_pno = 1000 if (plot_pno <= 0) else plot_pno # discretize it Ad, Bd, Cd, Dd, _ = signal.cont2discrete((Ac, Bc, Cc, Dc), Ts, method = method, alpha = alpha) # calculate the responses of both continous and discrete versions if plot or spec_data: sc, fc, Ac_dB, Pc_deg, _ = ss_freqresp(Ac, Bc, Cc, Dc, plot_pno = plot_pno, plot_maxf = 1.0 / Ts) sd, fd, Ad_dB, Pd_deg, _ = ss_freqresp(Ad, Bd, Cd, Dd, plot_pno = plot_pno, Ts = Ts) spec = {'fc': fc, 'Ac_dB': Ac_dB, 'Pc_deg': Pc_deg, 'fd': fd, 'Ad_dB': Ad_dB, 'Pd_deg': Pd_deg} else: spec = None # plot the responses if plot: # make the plot if sc and sd: from rf_plot import plot_ss_discrete plot_ss_discrete(fc, Ac_dB, Pc_deg, fd, Ad_dB, Pd_deg, Ts) # return the results return True, Ad, Bd, Cd, Dd, spec
[docs] def ss_cascade(A1, B1, C1, D1, A2, B2, C2, D2, Ts = None): ''' Cascade two state-space systems with the first system applyed to the input first. This function works for both continous system (``Ts`` is None) and discrete systems (``Ts`` has a nonzero floating value). Parameters: A1, B1, C1, D1: numpy matrix (complex), state-space model of system 1 A2, B2, C2, D2: numpy matrix (complex), state-space model of system 2 Ts: float, sampling time, s Returns: status boolean, success (True) or fail (False) A, B, C, D: numpy matrix (complex), state-space model of cascaded system ''' # check the input if Ts is not None: if Ts <= 0.0: return (False,) + (None,)*5 # construct the state-space object if Ts is None: # continuous sys1 = signal.StateSpace(A1, B1, C1, D1) sys2 = signal.StateSpace(A2, B2, C2, D2) else: # discrete sys1 = signal.StateSpace(A1, B1, C1, D1, dt = Ts) sys2 = signal.StateSpace(A2, B2, C2, D2, dt = Ts) # cascade the system sys = sys2 * sys1 # return the results return True, sys.A, sys.B, sys.C, sys.D, Ts
[docs] def ss_freqresp(A, B, C, D, Ts = None, plot = False, plot_pno = 1000, plot_maxf = 0.0, title = 'Frequency Response'): ''' Plot the frequency response of a state-space system. This function works for both continous system (``Ts`` is None) and discrete systems (``Ts`` has a nonzero floating value). Parameters: A, B, C, D: numpy matrix (complex), state-space model of system Ts: float, sampling time, s plot: boolean, enable the plot of frequency response plot_pno: int, number of point in the plot plot_maxf: float, frequency range (+-) to be plotted, Hz title: string, title showed on the plot Returns: status: boolean, success (True) or fail (False) f_wf: numpy array, frequency waveform, Hz A_wf_dB: numpy array, amplitude response waveform, dB P_wf_deg: numpy array, phase response waveform, deg h: numpy array (complex), complex response ''' # check the input plot_pno = 1000 if (plot_pno <= 0) else plot_pno plot_maxf = 1e6 if (plot_maxf <= 0) else plot_maxf if Ts is not None: if Ts <= 0.0: return (False,) + (None,)*4 # calculate the frequency response if Ts is None: # continous maxw = 2 * np.pi * plot_maxf fs = 1.0 w, h = signal.freqresp((A, B, C, D), w = np.linspace(-maxw, maxw, plot_pno)) else: # discrete maxw = np.pi fs = 1.0 / Ts w, h = signal.dfreqresp((A, B, C, D, Ts), w = np.linspace(-maxw, maxw, plot_pno)) # calculate the results for display f_wf = w / 2 / np.pi * fs A_wf_dB = 20 * np.log10(np.abs(h)) P_wf_deg = np.angle(h, deg = True) # plot if plot: from rf_plot import plot_ss_freqresp plot_ss_freqresp(f_wf, A_wf_dB, P_wf_deg, h, fs, Ts, title) # return the frequency response (frequency in absolute Hz) return True, f_wf, A_wf_dB, P_wf_deg, h
[docs] def basic_rf_controller(Kp, Ki, notch_conf = None, plot = False, plot_pno = 1000, plot_maxf = 0.0): ''' Generate the continous state-space equation for a basic controller with * I/Q control strategy (input/output are all complex signals). * configurable for PI control + frequency notches. Parameters: Kp: float, proportional (P) gain Ki: float, integral (I) gain notch_conf: dict, with the following items: ``freq_offs``: list, offset frequency to be notched, Hz; ``gain``: list, gain of the notch (inverse of suppress ratio); ``half_bw``: list, half bandwidth of the notch filter, rad/s plot: boolean, enable the plot of frequency response of the controller plot_pno: int, number of point in the plot plot_maxf: float, frequency range (+-) to be plotted, Hz Returns: status: boolean, success (True) or fail (False) Akc, Bkc, Ckc, Dkc: numpy matrix (complex), continuous state-space controller ''' # check the input if (Kp < 0) or (Ki < 0): return (False,) + (None,)*4 if notch_conf is not None: if (not isinstance(notch_conf, dict)) or \ ('freq_offs' not in notch_conf.keys()) or \ ('gain' not in notch_conf.keys()) or \ ('half_bw' not in notch_conf.keys()): return (False,) + (None,)*4 plot_pno = 1000 if (plot_pno <= 0) else plot_pno plot_maxf = 1e6 if (plot_maxf <= 0) else plot_maxf # first get the PI controller K_num, K_den = add_tf([Kp], [1.0], [Ki], [1.0, 0.0]) # add the notch filters if notch_conf is not None: # get the notch parameters nt_f = notch_conf['freq_offs'] # frequency offset, Hz nt_g = notch_conf['gain'] # gain nt_wh = notch_conf['half_bw'] # half bandwidth of the notch filter, rad/s # add the notch filter transfer functions for i in range(len(nt_f)): K_num, K_den = add_tf(K_num, K_den, [nt_g[i] * nt_wh[i]], [1.0, nt_wh[i] - 1j*2*np.pi*nt_f[i]]) K_num, K_den = add_tf(K_num, K_den, [nt_g[i] * nt_wh[i]], [1.0, nt_wh[i] + 1j*2*np.pi*nt_f[i]]) # get the state-space model Akc, Bkc, Ckc, Dkc = signal.tf2ss(K_num, K_den) # plot the response if plot: # calculate the response w, h = signal.freqs(K_num, K_den, worN = np.linspace(-2*np.pi*plot_maxf, 2*np.pi*plot_maxf, plot_pno)) # make the plot from rf_plot import plot_basic_rf_controller plot_basic_rf_controller(w, h) # return the results return True, Akc, Bkc, Ckc, Dkc
[docs] def control_step(Akd, Bkd, Ckd, Dkd, err_step, state_k0, ff_step = 0.0): ''' Controller execute for one step based on the discrete state-space equation. Parameters: Akd, Bkd, Ckd, Dkd: numpy matrix (complex), discrete state-space controller err_step: complex, system output error (input to controller) of this step state_k0: numpy matrix (complex), state of the last step ff_step: complex, feedforward of this step Returns: status: boolean, success (True) or fail (False) ctrl_step: complex, overall output of the controller of this step ctrl_out: complex, feedback output (exclude feedforward wrt ctrl_step) state_k: numpy matrix (complex), state of this step (should be input to the next execution of this function) Question: In the second equation, shall we use ``state_k0`` or ``state_k``? ''' # calculate the controller output state_k = Akd * state_k0 + Bkd * err_step ctrl_out = Ckd * state_k0 + Dkd * err_step ctrl_step = ctrl_out + ff_step # return the results of the step return True, ctrl_step, ctrl_out, state_k
[docs] def loop_analysis(AG, BG, CG, DG, AK, BK, CK, DK, Ts = None, delay_s = 0, plot = True, plot_pno = 100000, plot_maxf = 0.0, label = ''): ''' Control loop analysis, including * derive the open loop transfer function. * calculate the senstivity and complementary sensitivity functions. This function works for both continous system (``Ts`` is None) and discrete systems (``Ts`` has a nonzero floating value). Parameters: AG, BG, CG, DG: numpy matrix (complex), plant model AK, BK, CK, DK: numpy matrix (complex), controller Ts: float, sampling time, s delay_s: float, loop delay, s plot: boolean, enable the plot of bode and Nyquist plots plot_pno: int, number of point in the plot plot_maxf: float, frequency range (+-) to be plotted, Hz Returns: status: boolean, success (True) or fail (False) S_max: float, maximum sensitivity, dB T_max: float, maximum complementary sensitivity, dB ''' # check the input plot_pno = 100000 if (plot_pno <= 0) else plot_pno plot_maxf = 1e6 if (plot_maxf <= 0) else plot_maxf delay_s = 0.0 if (delay_s < 0) else delay_s if Ts is not None: if Ts <= 0.0: return False, None, None # parameter based on continous or discrete (Ts not None) fs = 1.0 if (Ts is None) else 1.0/Ts # cascade the plant and the controller get the open loop L status, AL, BL, CL, DL, _ = ss_cascade(AK, BK, CK, DK, AG, BG, CG, DG, Ts = Ts) if not status: return False, None, None # frequency response of L result_L = ss_freqresp(AL, BL, CL, DL, Ts = Ts, plot_pno = plot_pno, plot_maxf = plot_maxf) status = result_L[0] f_wf = result_L[1] AL_dB = result_L[2] L = result_L[4] # complex response of L if not status: return False, None, None # apply the delay to the frequency response of L L *= np.exp(-1j * 2.0 * np.pi * f_wf * delay_s) # sensitivity and complementary sensitivity S = 1.0 / (1.0 + L) T = 1.0 - S # plot (similar to ss_freqresp) if plot: from rf_plot import plot_loop_analysis plot_loop_analysis(f_wf, L, S, T, fs, Ts, label) # calculate the peak of S and T S_max = np.max(20*np.log10(np.abs(S))) T_max = np.max(20*np.log10(np.abs(T))) return True, S_max, T_max
[docs] def cav_sp_ff(half_bw, filling_len, flattop_len, Ts, pno, vc0 = 1.0, detuning = 0.0, beta = 1e4, const_fpow = True, ib0 = None, phib_deg = 0.0, beam_ids = 0, beam_ide = 0, roQ_or_RoQ = 0.0, QL = 3e6, machine = 'linac'): ''' Generate the basic cavity set point and feedforward used to configure the LLRF controller (later may apply smooth in the edges). Refer to LLRF Book section 9.2.1. Parameters: half_bw: float, half bandwidth of the cavity, rad/s filling_len: int, length of cavity filling time, number of samples flattop_len: int, length of the flattop for beam acc., number of samples Ts: float, sampling time, s pno: int, number of samples in the returned waveforms vc0: float, desired cavity voltage at the flattop, V detuning: float, detuning of the cavity, rad/s beta: float, input coupling factor (needed for NC cavities; for SC cavities, can use the default value, or you can specify it if more accurate result is needed) const_fpow: boolean, True for forcing constant filling drive power/phase ib0: float, average beam current, A phib_deg: float, beam accelerating phase (0 for on-crest), deg beam_ids: int, beam starting sample index beam_ide: int, beam ending sample index roQ_or_RoQ: r/Q of Linac or R/Q of circular accelerator, Ohm (see the note below) QL: float, loaded quality factor of the cavity machine: string, ``linac`` or ``circular``, used to select r/Q or R/Q Returns: status: boolean, success (True) or fail (False) sp: numpy array (complex), set point waveform (for controller) vf_ff: numpy array (complex), feedforward waveform (for controller) vb: numpy array (complex), beam drive voltage waveform Tpul: numpy array, time array for the waveforms Note: Linacs define the ``r/Q = Vacc**2 / (w0 * U)`` while circular machines define ``R/Q = Vacc**2 / (2 * w0 * U)``, where ``Vacc`` is the accelerating voltage, ``w0`` is the angular cavity resonance frequency and ``U`` is the cavity energy storage. Therefore, to use this function, one needs to specify the ``machine`` to be ``linac`` or ``circular``. Generally, we have ``R/Q = 1/2 * r/Q``. ''' # check the input if (half_bw <= 0) or (filling_len <= 0) or (flattop_len <= 0) or \ (Ts <= 0) or (pno < filling_len + flattop_len): return (False,) + (None,)*4 vc0 = 1.0 if (vc0 <= 0.0) else vc0 beta = 1e4 if (beta <= 0.0) else beta if ib0 is not None: if (ib0 < 0.0) or (beam_ids < 0) or (beam_ide <= beam_ids) or \ (roQ_or_RoQ <= 0.0) or (QL <= 0.0): return (False,) + (None,)*4 # define the setpoint table N = filling_len + flattop_len # effective pulse width T = np.arange(filling_len+1) * Ts sp = np.ones(N, dtype = complex) sp[:filling_len+1] = (1.0 - np.exp(-half_bw * T)) / (1.0 - np.exp(-half_bw * T[-1])) sp *= vc0 # derive the ff of vf status, vf_ff, _ = cav_drv_est(sp, half_bw, Ts, detuning, beta) if not status: return (False,) + (None,)*4 # handle the filling power if require to be constant (see Example 3.1 of LLRF Book) if const_fpow: vf_fill = vc0 * (half_bw - 1j*detuning) / \ (1.0 - np.exp(-(half_bw - 1j*detuning) * T[-1])) * \ (beta + 1) / (2 * half_bw * beta) vf_ff[:filling_len+1] = vf_fill # calculate the beam drive voltage vb = np.zeros(vf_ff.shape, dtype = complex) if ib0 is not None: # calculate the loaded resistance if machine == 'circular': RL = roQ_or_RoQ * QL else: RL = 0.5 * roQ_or_RoQ * QL # determine the beam drive vb[beam_ids:beam_ide+1] = RL * ib0 * np.exp(1j*(np.pi - phib_deg*np.pi/180.0)) # remove the beam term vf_ff -= (beta + 1) / beta * vb # attend the pulse to the desired length if pno > N: sp = np.hstack((sp, np.zeros(pno - N))) vf_ff = np.hstack((vf_ff, np.zeros(pno - N))) vb = np.hstack((vb, np.zeros(pno - N))) return True, sp, vf_ff, vb, np.arange(pno)*Ts
[docs] def ADRC_controller(half_bw, pole_scale = 50.0): ''' Generate the continous ADRC controller. We assume that the system gain has been normalized to 1 and the system phase corrected to 0. Therefore, the referred cavity equation is ``dvc/dt + (half_bw - 1j * detuning)*vc = half_bw * vd`` where ``vc`` is the vector of cavity voltage and ``vd`` is the vector of cavity drive (in principle ``vd = 2 * beta * vf / (beta + 1)``). Refer to LLRF Book section 4.2.3. Parameters: half_bw: float, half bandwidth of the cavity, rad/s pole_scale: float, define the pole location of the observer Returns: status: boolean, success (True) or fail (False) Aobc, Bobc, Cobc, Dobc: numpy matrix (complex), continous ADRC observer b0: float, ADRC gain ''' # check the input if (half_bw <= 0) or (pole_scale <= 0): return (False,) + (None,)*5 # parameters p_obs = -pole_scale * half_bw # pole of the observer l1 = -2 * p_obs # observer matrix parameter l2 = p_obs**2 # observer matrix parameter b0 = half_bw # gain for RF drive voltage # construct the continous ADRC observer Aobc = np.matrix([[-l1, 1], [-l2, 0]], dtype = complex) Bobc = np.matrix([[ l1, b0], [ l2, 0]], dtype = complex) Cobc = Dobc = np.matrix(np.zeros(Aobc.shape), dtype = complex) # return the ADRC observer and gain return True, Aobc, Bobc, Cobc, Dobc, b0
[docs] def ADRC_control_step(Akd, Bkd, Ckd, Dkd, Aobd, Bobd, b0, sp_step, vc_step, vd_step, state_k0, state_ob0, vf_step = 0.0, ff_step = 0.0, apply_to_err = False): ''' Controller execute for one step based on the controller's discrete state-space equation including the ADRC observer. Refer to LLRF Book Figure 4.6. Parameters: Akd, Bkd, Ckd, Dkd: numpy matrix (complex), discrete RF controller Aobd, Bobd: numpy matrix (complex), discrete ADRC observer (C,D not needed) b0: float, ADRC gain sp_step: complex, cavity voltage setpoint of this time step vc_step: complex, cavity voltage meas. of last time step vd_step: complex, cavity drive of last time step vf_step: complex, feedfoward part of cavity drive of last time step state_k0: numpy matrix (complex), controller state of last time step state_ob0: numpy matrix (complex), ADRC observer state of last time step ff_step: complex, feedforward of this time step apply_to_err: boolean, True to apply ADRC to error, or apply to whole cavity voltage Returns: status: boolean, success (True) or fail (False) ctrl_step: complex, overall output of the controller of this step ctrl_out: complex, feedback output (exclude feedforward wrt ctrl_step) state_k: numpy matrix (complex), controller state of this step (should input to the next execution of this function) state_ob: numpy matrix (complex), ADRC observer state of this step (should input to the next execution of this function) f: complex, estimated general disturbance by the ADRC observer Question: In the second equation, shall we use ``state_k0`` or ``state_k``? Note: 1. looks like ADRC can mitigate the instability caused by the cavity's passband modes, then no notch filter is required to filter the cavity voltage measurement. 2. basic ADRC is perfect with a proportional controller - resulting in zero steady-state error. Looks like with other controller (e.g., PI control), ADRC needs to be revised for good performance. 3. adding feedforward to the basic ADRC also causes some problem, like the steady state error becomes nonzero. 4. The solution to handle the problems of point 2 and 3 above is to apply ADRC to the errors of the cavity drive and voltage. See the paper: S. Zhao et al, Tracking and disturbance rejection in non-minimum phase systems, Proceedings of the 33rd Chinese Control Conference, pp. 3834-3839, July 28-30, 2014, Nanjing, China. ''' # execute one step based on user preference if apply_to_err: # execute observer and estimate cavity voltage error (vc_err_est) and disturbance (f) state_ob = Aobd * state_ob0 + Bobd * np.matrix([[vc_step - sp_step], [vd_step - vf_step]]) vc_err_est, f = -state_ob[0, 0], state_ob[1, 0] # calculate the controller output state_k = Akd * state_k0 + Bkd * vc_err_est ctrl_out = Ckd * state_k0 + Dkd * vc_err_est # calculate the final drive to the cavity (slightly different from Fig.4.6, # we do not divide controller output by b0) ctrl_step = ctrl_out - f / b0 + ff_step vc_est = sp_step - vc_err_est else: # execute observer and estimate cavity voltage (vc_est) and disturbance (f) state_ob = Aobd * state_ob0 + Bobd * np.matrix([[vc_step], [vd_step]]) vc_est, f = state_ob[0, 0], state_ob[1, 0] # calculate the controller output state_k = Akd * state_k0 + Bkd * (sp_step - vc_est) ctrl_out = Ckd * state_k0 + Dkd * (sp_step - vc_est) # calculate the final drive to the cavity (slightly different from Fig.4.6, # we do not divide controller output by b0) ctrl_step = ctrl_out - f / b0 + ff_step # return the results of the step return True, ctrl_step, ctrl_out, state_k, state_ob, vc_est, f
[docs] def AFF_timerev_lpf(vfb, fcut, fs, vff_cor = None): ''' Time-reversed low-pass filter, we only apply the first order IIR low-pass, which gives up to 90 degrees phase lead. Refer to LLRF Book section 4.5.1. Parameters: vfb: numpy array (complex), feedback control waveform fcut: float, cut-off frequency of the low-pass filter, Hz fs: float, sampling frequency, Hz vff_cor: numpy array (complex), buffer storing the filtered waveform Returns: status: boolean, success (True) or fail (False) vff_cor: numpy array (complex), feedforward correction waveform ''' # check the input if (vfb.shape[0] < 3) or (fcut <= 0.0) or \ (fcut >= fs/2) or (fs <= 0.0): return False, None if vff_cor is not None: if (not vfb.shape == vff_cor.shape): return false, None # perform the time-reversed filtering vfb = vfb[::-1] # reverse the time of input a = 2.0 * np.pi * fcut / fs # scale factor if vff_cor is None: vff_cor = np.zeros(vfb.shape, dtype = complex) # create buffer for i in range(1, vfb.shape[0]): # filtering vff_cor[i] = (1.0 - a) * vff_cor[i-1] + a * vfb[i] # return the result return True, vff_cor[::-1]
[docs] def AFF_ilc_design(h, pulw, P = None, Q = None): ''' Adaptive feedforward with optimal iterative learning control (ILC). Refer to LLRF Book section 4.5.2. Parameters: h: numpy array (complex), impulse response pulw: int, pulse width as number of points P, Q: numpy matrix, positive-definite weight matrices Returns: status: boolean, success (True) or fail (False) L: numpy matrix (complex), gain matrix of ILC ''' # check the input if (h.shape[0] < 3) or (pulw < 3): return False, None if P is None: P = np.matrix(np.eye(pulw)) if Q is None: Q = np.matrix(np.eye(pulw)) if (not P.shape == Q.shape) or (not P.shape[0] == pulw): return False, None # dimension order = h.shape[0] # derive the system transfer matrix G = np.zeros((pulw, pulw), dtype = complex) for i in range(pulw): G[i:, i] = h[:min(pulw-i, order)] # calculate the ILC gain matrix G = np.matrix(G) L = np.linalg.inv(Q + G.H * P * G) * G.H * P return True, L
[docs] def AFF_ilc(vc_err, L): ''' Apply the ILC. Refer to LLRF Book section 4.5.2. Parameters: vc_err: numpy array (complex), error of the cavity voltage waveform L: numpy matrix (complex), gain matrix of ILC Returns: vff_cor: numpy array (complex), feedforward correction waveform ''' return np.matmul(L, vc_err)
[docs] def resp_inv_svd(R, singular_val_filt = 0.0): ''' Response matrix inversion with SVD. Refer to Beam Control Book section 2.4.2. Parameters: R: numpy matrix, response matrix singular_val_filt: float, threshold of singular values, the ones smaller or equal to it will be discarded Returns: Rinv: numpy matrix, inversion of the response matrix ''' return np.linalg.pinv(R, rcond = singular_val_filt)
[docs] def resp_inv_lsm(R, regu = 0.0): ''' Response matrix inversion with least-square method. Refer to Beam Control Book section 2.4.3. Parameters: R: numpy matrix, response matrix regu: float, regularization factor (should > 0) Returns: Rinv: numpy matrix, inversion of the response matrix ''' return np.linalg.inv(R.T * R + regu * np.matrix(np.eye(R.shape[1]))) * R.T